human body


Question by  mooseman (34)

How long does alcohol stay in your body?


Answer by  oldmom (716)

Alcohol is metabolized at rate of. 015 of alcohol concentration every hour. For a blood alcohol level of. 08, the common level for impairment in many states, it will take about 5 hours and 20 minutes for the body to metabolize it, and eliminate all alcohol in your system.

Reply by dttauzin (1):
I haven't had a drink in 125 hours, I drank a whole bunch last weekend. should my body be clean now?  add a comment

Answer by  Steve81 (32)

It generally depends on your weight, sex, and a few other factors. As a standard rule of thumb, though, you can generally assume that one "drink" (shot of hard liquor, one beer, etc. ) takes about an hour to go through your system.


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

Alcohol is metabolized at the rate of. 015 of blood alcohol concentration every hour. This rate is consistent among most people. This means if your BAC is. 15, it will take 10 hours for the alcohol to clear. For the legal limit. 08, it takes 5. 33 hours.


Answer by  Tricia (25)

How long a certain amount of alcohol stays in a person's system varies from person to person. It is dependent upon many things, e. g. the amount of metabolizing enzymes in the liver, sex of the person, kind of food s/he has eaten, and body weight.

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