health conditions


Question by  reliable80 (125)

How is aids transmitted?


Answer by  newgeneration (699)

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, can be transmitted through sexual contact, sharing equipment for intravenous drug use, sharing unsterilized blood (like when becoming "blood brothers"), or during childbirth.


Answer by  Kam (88)

It is mainly transmitted through sexual intercourse, however that is not the only way. It can also happen from sharing needles. It can also be transmitted through oral sex but the percentage is not very high. Open sores and blood from the mouth makes it also possible.


Answer by  sylsia (510)

Aids can be transmitted several ways. These ways include sexual contact, transmission during pregnancy or birth, exposure to contaminated blood or blood particles, and needle sticks among health care professionals.


Answer by  Mary39 (521)

Aid is transmitted through sex, IV drug use, and through a blood transfusion. Many think that aids can be transmitted through salive but this is not the case at all. Aids is not discriminatory, anyone can get it.


Answer by  gregoli (106)

AIDS is transmitted by the exchange of bodily fluids. This can be from sexual intercourse, needle sharing (typically among drug users), and/or needle sticks (in the healthcare industry). It should be noted that a person becomes infected with HIV, which later develops into AIDS.

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