how does it work


Question by  sooner (22)

How does the human nose work?


Answer by  jody1723 (65)

The nose works as both a filter for the air we breathe in and as a sensory organ to smell. Inside the nose, scents hit the olfactory epithelium on the roof of the mouth to send the brain scent signals to sort out which smells are what.


Answer by  333221 (74)

Most healthy peoples breath through their nose. It is a natural filtration and humidifying system. Hairs in our nose trap particles in the air. The air than into our nasal cavity. It is filtered through mucous and warmed. To the olfactory gland and into the Nasopharynx. Finally to the lungs.


Answer by  einsteinshrugged (64)

The human nose works thanks to a group of neurons about the size of a postage stamp which are located at the top of your nasal passages. And you breathe in, the air passes over these neurons which relay information to your brain. Your brain then matches up the smells and can connect to scents based on past exposure.

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