

Question by  Heidi (14)

How does one overcome anxiety?


Answer by  andi (118)

It's very difficult, that's why there are so many medications for it. But just get used to what makes you anxious, and breath through it.


Answer by  loribugher (462)

This is a tough question. There are many anti-anxiety drugs that can be prescribed by doctors, and this works for a lot of people. But one way is through meditation.


Answer by  Lisa6938 (485)

One can overcome anxiety by being taking anti-anxiety mediction prescribed by a psychiatrist, or engaging in talk therapy or cognitive therapy where you learn to control your own thoughts.


Answer by  Jonah14 (640)

This often comes down to the personality of the individual. Most people, though, overcome it through simply putting themselves in the line of fire and dealing with it.


Answer by  JP98 (57)

Anxiety can be debilitating but the easiest way to overcome it is to experience it without negative consequences. A trained therapist is the best way to get through anxiety.

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