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Question by  freddy374 (18)

How do you write an eviction notice?


Answer by  elb (1105)

State and local eviction laws differ; the eviction notice must comply with the exact provisions for your area. Sample eviction notices are found online; getting an attorney is helpful.


Answer by  pseudopsychologist (257)

Eviction notice: mr/ms. This letter is to inform you that you are about to be evicted from your home. (Then list the reasons why they are being evicted and what they could possibly do to appeal their case.)


Answer by  NGoodson (3395)

An eviction notice should be factual and right to the point. State why they're getting evicted and how long they have to move out.


Answer by  tom96 (95)

An eviction notice needs to be firm but fair. You need to explain the eviction has come about as a consequence of the tenant's actions.

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