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Question by  BrentByers (39)

How do you remove rust spots from your car?


Answer by  bigdaddy (150)

First you need to decide if its surface rust or has it eaten away metal. Surface rust you will want to sand to bare metal and just paint over. a large rust spot requires the use of a filler usually synthetic resin, then sanding back to body lines.


Answer by  saraphillips (268)

There are a few choices for removing rust. You can use a slightly abrasive 3M pad for less severe rusted areas. For the more damaged area you can use ver fine/fine grit sand paper to remove the rust. Use finer grit for the final sanding.


Answer by  cody (1331)

this is how you remove rust spots from your car sand the rust down and put a layer of prim down then paint over a few times till its the same color

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