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Question by  Ginsing (38)

How do you remove ball pen ink stains?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

I have used cheap hair spray to remove these stains. I would say that it probably has something to do with the alcohal in the spray. If it's a real good leather piece, maybe you should first try a small amount incase it would do something to the coloring, though with my experience it didn't.


Answer by  Rob45 (99)

I remove most ball pen ink stains by using hairspray. Spray a can of aerosol hairspray directly on the stain. Let it saturate for a few minutes then blot. You might need to repeat this a few times, and the stain should come out.


Answer by  Angie83 (180)

I used to work in a print shop and got ink on my clothes a lot. Hair spray actually works on ink stains. Another option is a color safe bleach - like Clorax II. Pour the Clorax II on the stain and rub it in - the stain should start to release. Then let it sit before washing.


Answer by  Isabella90 (81)

Remove ink stains by spraying hairspray on the area and blot dry. Repeat as necessary. Also try "Awesome" cleaner or Goo Gone. They both work.

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