

Question by  MsMadison (86)

How do you make sure your puppy does not get fleas?


Answer by  Jolie (1227)

Since puppies cannot be given flea treatments until they reach a certain age it is inevitable that they will get them at first if you have other pets. Once they are old enough you can start them on flea treatments and this should help with any problems you may have.


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

You can do many things to make sure puppies don't get fleas. Some of them are you can use a flea collar, give them a flea bath or flea dip, and have them checked by a vet. You can also the puppy yourself and also take him/her to the groomer once in a while


Answer by  myowne28 (19)

There is no 100% way to make sure your puppy doesnt get fleas, but some precautions you may take are keeping your dog away from animals that may have fleas.

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