

Question by  Megan80 (161)

What is an effective puppy flea control?


Answer by  Anita14 (149)

Advantage flea control ointment for puppies. I have used the Advantage flea control method on my dog for over ten years and in that time he has not experienced a single flea infestation. The ointment is packaged in convenientm, individual tubes and is easily adminstered topically, usually between the ears and high on the neck.


Answer by  Tracipoo (1329)

You could try Frontline or Advantage flea control for dogs and puppies. I'm certain they have a puppy formula that works according to type of dog and weight. I've used Frontline for a cat and it works great.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Before you bring a pup home, it should be free of fleas or the fleas will infest the house. If there are fleas in the house, it's a hopeless battle until you get appropriate, safe flea treatment from your veterinarian. Do not waste money on products at the store.


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

You can use a flea collar to help control fleas, but you can also use a flea powder. You must wash and make sure that the bed, blankets, and anything else in the huse doesn't have fleas infested on them as well to stop an recurrence of the issue after.


Answer by  jtalone (105)

There are several different methods for effectively deterring fleas. Recommended devices include the flea collar and prescription medication. There are also various medicated creams should a puppy suffer flea bites.

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