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Question by  smushyparker30 (25)

How do you locate an open circuit in a home's electrical system?


Answer by  wmwitt (71)

Circuits in homes are generally run from the circuit breaker to the farthest point. Isolate the outlets (lights and plugs) on the circuit and look for the next "downstream" device. Start there to look for loose wiring or defective devices.


Answer by  govindarajan (59)

every room has separate fuse careers, we have to identify fault by removing and checking each fuse career. if the fuse is worn out in a particular room then the entire circuit in the room should be checked. and after rectification of the fault the fuse will be removed and the supply will be resumed.


Answer by  PowerIsMe (844)

Ideally you would want to test the continuity between two points where you think the open circuit may be. Essentially, you need to measure the resistance between two spots - and if it turns out to be a very large number, then you probably have an open circuit. Another way to do this is to use the continuity-tester on multimeters.

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