mental health


Question by  atticusr5 (38)

How do you know whether you need to see a psychiatrist?


Answer by  TJenkins602 (656)

Many people can't really tell when they need to see a psychiatrist. Depressed people may be able to tell. If you are mentally afflicted to the point where you can not function in society or you are a danger or disruption to society, then you might need to see a psychiatrist.


Answer by  Lisa6938 (485)

One knows when it is time to see a psychiatrist when all of their individual attempts to find a solution have not worked. In addition, if one has persistent thoughts of hopelessness or thoughts of suicide, professional help is needed.


Answer by  LisaJewel (14)

The world is full of challenges which can make a person feel out of control. Depression, anxiety and other debilitating feelings can take away a person's enjoyment of life. Psychiatrists can help sort through the feelings and suggest possible options for healing.


Answer by  Z69 (26)

It's difficult for one to determine whether he/she needs until it's been suggested by people around you. Usually, people who need such help are always in denial

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