


Question by  meme (11)

How do you keep bread fresh longer?


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

First of all make sure that you seal the bag properly after each use. If you live in a household that doesn't use a lot of bread or you're just a couple living together there are ways to prevent the other half of the bread from going bad. Freeze half of the loaf and then take it out as needed.


Answer by  malpoa (363)

Cool bread after baking. Store in an airtight container for almost a week. Cover the bread with aluminuim foil before keeping in a container in the freezer.


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

Bread will keep longer if you place your loaves in the freezer between uses, bread will also keep fresh longer if you are careful to replace the tie to keep the air out between times when you wish to have a slice. Another way is to choose breads that have preservatives.


Answer by  tysonjc1 (204)

The best way is to wrap it in plastic wrap, put it in a gallon sized freezer bag and place it in the freezer.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Well it is best to keep it in a sealed container. Any air moving over the surface will cause the bread to become dry.

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