

Question by  TheRickyShowDotCom (5)

How do you install ink cartridges without making a mess?


Answer by  Jennifer08 (554)

Most ink cartridges do not make a mess when you put them in. I don't understand how you could be making a mess unless you have an old printer. Most new printers have a place you can touch on the ink cartridge and a place it says don't touch.


Answer by  Randy998 (226)

I have this down to a science. Second get some paper towels (just in case). Then get some rubber gloves. Put finger over the hole into inserted.


Answer by  Jonah14 (640)

Make sure you've got some clean wipes around because they might come in handy. Open the box containing the cartridges, then take off the seal on each of them. All of this should be done on a surface you wouldn't mind getting dirty or one easy to clean. Then, following printer instructions, place cartridges in printer.


Answer by  oscar56 (79)

it is very simple, fisrt you have to forget about that fear of making a mess. Now a days cartridges are very small and you only need to follow instructions. Most of the times the printer will have a drawing to show you how to install. Also seach internet with the printer model for instructions.

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