

Question by  jax9999 (131)

How do you go about developing healthy relationships?


Answer by  kathylagare (220)

Firstly, I make sure that I am an emotionally sound individual who has worked through any past issues so that I am ready to enter a healthy relationship. Then I treat my partner/friend with love, kindness, respect and compassion. If issues arise, communication is the key to maintaining a healthy relationship. Good luck!


Answer by  John (9008)

You have to know yourself and be confident. Be open about what you want, and unafraid to demand it. Know that you deserve a healthy relationship, and don't settle.


Answer by  chels (177)

You always want to start out as friends, then build a foundation on trust. Once you lose someones trust it's going to be hard to have a healthy relationship. No relationship is perfect though, you need to fight every once in a while and it's not healthy if you don't.

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