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 art  name


Question by  LadyMaverick (19)

How do you find out the name of a painting?

I saw a painting in an art gallery over the weekend, I would like to do some research on the artist and the painting but do not know the name of it.


Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

Most galleries have paintings labeled with the painting's name and the artist. If there is nothing of that sort then you could always contact the gallery and ask the name of the painting and whom the artist is. Probably best to talk to the curator if you go that route as they know more than anyone else would.


Answer by  flexwheel (171)

The quickest way would be to call the gallery and describe the painting as best you can. If that doesn't give you satisfactory results, check recent newspaper reviews of the gallery or local artists. A call or email to the paper's art reporter may also be useful. If all else fails, go back to the gallery.

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