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Question by  mtlady1943 (144)

How do you file a responsive pleading in Missouri?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

You have to answer points raised in the opponent's prior declaration. Consult your court clerk to see if there is a proper format, in Missouri you have a time limit.


Answer by  Vladimir (459)

As response is filed by submitting copies of the response and certification of service to the Clerk of the Court and to all opposing parties (or their attorneys if represented).


Answer by  hubmanhowie (18)

A responsive pleading has to be filed with the clerk of the court within the time limit set out in the originating summons. Local courts have the power to authorize filing by electronic transmission. It should also be posted to the other party, and then a certificate of service should be filed at the court.


Answer by  mannersandsuch (1796)

Making sure that you have legal council that is qualified to represent you and give you advice in Missouri is the most important piece of advice that you can get. Without proper legal guidance you could make critical mistakes that can not be undone. If you're not from this state ask for recommendations or search online.


Answer by  Jaggers (1018)

Missouri law is very specific about responsive pleadings. You can only file the forms in triplicate on the first Tuesday after the second Wednesday of the month between 9:00 Am and noon. If there is a full moon you must wait until next month.

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