

Question by  Anonymous

How do you field dress a moose?

I think this is about hunting, but we don't do that where I'm from.


Answer by  spookythemartian (75)

First bleed the moose but allow the blood to flow away from the area. next remove the skin starting at the neck. Then you need to break the breastbone and sever the wind the abdomen, Split the pelvic bone.Remove everything from the body.Last prepare the carcass for cooling, quartering, and transport.


Answer by  amtcura66 (1340)

To field dress a moose, you must have a moose to field dress. After you have a moose to field dress then you must acquire the field dress. After you have gotten that then you can commence to dress your moose in a field dress. It is suggested that you sedate or tie up the moose for your own protection.


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

Basically field dressing is to preserve the meat till you can better handle it. You bled it, remove the head from the body, slice it down the middle, break the plevis and breast bone, and remove organs such as instestines. This keeps your meat from going bad as quickly and keeps the meat cleaner.

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