how to


Question by  lilmatt (21)

How do you childproof a house?

I have children coming to visit.


Answer by  earlnb (100)

Don't leave pills, sharp objects or toxic substances within reach. Use outlet protectors. Turn pot handles inward on the stove. Don't let curtain cords hang too low. Use baby gates.


Answer by  saraphillips (268)

To childproof your house you will need to put covers on all electrical outlets and locks on all floor level cabinet doors. Make sure all cleaning products are locked up. You will need to remove all breakables from the reach of the child. You can put corner guards on all table corners and sharp edges and gates at stairs.


Answer by  working (311)

It is impossible to completely childproof a home. You will want to purchase some outlet covers, oven, refrigerator and toilet child locks. You also can install pipe insulation on the edges of small tables and other similar dangers, Good Luck.

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