Can you assist me in the translation of a Romanian birth certificate?
How can I get a copy of my birth certificate?
How can I get my birth records from Cali, Colombia?
How do I correct the wrong date of birth?
How do you change your birth certificate in the state of Georgia?
How do you get a duplicate copy of your birth certificate?
When you change your name do you get a new birth certificate?
how to legal
Question by karenttrouble (46)
The nurse spelled my child's name wrong. How do I fix it?
Answer by Karthon (403)
This is a pretty long and complicated process. Start by contacting the records department at the government office in the town your child was born in.
Answer by Amber40 (24961)
Well I would imagine you would contact the hospital. They should be able to either change it or tell you where you need to go to has this done. You might have to go somewhere like your ocal courthouse or something.
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