


Question by  kittykitty (39)

How do you care for a dachshunds?


Answer by  Story (33)

Give your dachshund lots of love and attention. Take him for a walk outside each day. Indoors, play fetch and burrowing games. Feed premium quality dog food in recommended amounts. Do not let your dachshund jump up on things, walk up and down stairs, or sit up on his hind legs. Enjoy your lovable and funny little sausage!


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Dachshunds are very affectionate, but very strong-willed, you have to be careful not to let them take charge. They require a lot of exercise, and like to be involved and interested. They're not particularly good w/small children. They have nutritional needs that are best guided by your vet.


Answer by  darthjdavis (284)

A few things to consider when caring for a dachshund is to keep in mind how small they are. they frighten eaqsily so do not put them in a situation were they can be scared. They are flop-eared so they must have their ears cleaned regularly to prevent infection.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

In many ways caring for a dachshund is the same as caring for any other breed of dog. You need to feed it daily, make sure it has fresh water, keep it groomed, exercise it daily, give it attention, etc. With dachshunds though you have to be aware that they suffer from back and hip problems more than other breeds.

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