

Question by  arrown8606t (24)

How do they treat maxillary and bilateral ethmoid sinus disease?


Answer by  MedStudent01 (1131)

Treatments range from conservative, including saline rinses and antibiotics, to surgical methods that involve a rhinoscope and reduction or resection of sinus cavity and bone.


Answer by  jpp (84)

Treatments for Bilateral, ethmoid and maxillary sinus disease includes prescription of antibiotics for infection,anti-inflammatory and decongestant to remove swelling. Surgery may be required for abcess in the sinus cavity.


Answer by  mb (5482)

The treatment of sinus disease depends on the severity of the problem. If you have minor sinusitis they will give you antibiotics and possibly nasal sprays or lavage. Serious sinus problems including scarring may require sinus surgery to debride the damaged tissue and open the airways. Its pretty minor but the recovery is painful.


Answer by  1234563 (112)

The most common treatment for maxillary and bilateral ethmoid sinus disease is antibiotics for infection and a decongestant to remove swelling.


Answer by  sanjay42 (57)

by using anti inflammatory drugs and decongestants for maxillary,ethmoid sinus disease can be bilateral or unilateral,it can have bacterial ,virus or allergic etiology,it can be cured by ampcillin,amoxcillin,cefaclor,cifuroxime etc


Answer by  spicykissa (201)

It depends on the extent of the pathology the disease is causing. Doctors may surgically remove obstructing foreign bodies from the sinuses surgically, or attempt to reopen them using a balloon catheter.


Answer by  sreesunny (4)

Acute sinusitis is treated by antibniotics if necessary and decongestants with pain relievers. Chronic sinusitis is harder to treat sometimes need surgical intervention called sinus stripping done by ENT specialists.

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