

Question by  pinkie (247)

How do they decide on the names for bugs?


Answer by  sc773 (79)

Most names for insects are common names for them. Meaning people decide. Also see large regional differences. It's whatever became popular for referring to it. As far as scientific classification, the person who discovered it can name it. And they can use whatever means they wish to decide it.


Answer by  John (9008)

Bugs, like all other animals, have two names. One is their scientific name (homo sapiens for people, for example) and the other is their common name. Usually, the person that discovers the insect chooses the name for it, although the scientific name has to reflect the family of the insect.


Answer by  kingofalldinos (30)

Names of insects and other animals are typically divided by zoological nomenclature. These categories list the family, genus, etc of an organism. Individual species can be named after a variety of things; the location they were discovered or the name of the scientist who discovered them are some of the more popular methods.


Answer by  Katie57 (169)

The scientific names for bugs contain the genus and species of a bug. The genus is the first name and it indicates what group of bugs a certain bug belongs to. The species is the second part of a bug's name and it is usually a characteristic of a bug (such as size, location, color, etc. ).

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