Most doggy names that are best should contain only one or two syllables and should not rhyme or sound like command (such as Sit and Stay). Some of the most popular female puppy names include: Princess, Chloe, Coco, Molly, Maggie, Ginger, Missy, Abby, Gracie, Rosie, Daisy, Roxy, Annie and Misty
lady, missy, angel, muffin are common names but you could always name the dog after someone or something special to you. I had a dog named bangles cause she liked my bracelets.
The important thing is to have flexibility in the name; particularly with a female dog! They have such distinct personalities. So if you name her Alexandra, she can be Lexie when she's small and cute, and Alex later if she develops a dignified personality. Cleopatra can be Cleo or Patty.
To get even for the dogs, I would choose Paris Hilton, however, I love names like Athena, Lily, Elle, Caledonia, Toni, Tzarina, Alabama, Star, Andromeda, Patsy, Jacqueline (pronounced in the French fashion), LadyDay, Barbarella, Raquelle, Aisleen, Blair, Brooke, Susan Lucci, Duvessa, Egan (Irish for little fiery one!)Evgren (Irish for Ray of Sunshine), Magdelena, Maird, Maeve, or Diane, the Huntress.
Some good female dog names are Maddie, Chloe, Minnie, Sheba, Dottie, Sasha. You can also name your dog after something or someone that is special to you, for example, in memory of a love one.
In this area the popular dog names are: Belle, Bonnie, Sara, Gretchen, Heidi, Stella, Samantha, Angie, Isabelle, Molly, Nora, Pandora and Tina. It seems like dog names are like people names because what's popular now might not be tomorrow.
Consider naming the puppy after a celebrity, think "Angelina" or "Jolie." Use names you like but may be too "out there" for a human baby; "Myrtle" can work for a puppy. Think about your dog's personality and coloring. For example, "Blanche" works well for a white dog. Sadie, Abby, and Molly are currently popular girl-dog names.
We have always had female dogs and we came up with the idea to name them after snacks, here are some that we used. coco, snickers,peanut,suzy-q,pompom,cupcakes. These are just some we used.
i like most of the dog names that people have but one of my most favorite is payton. i dont know why but i just love that name.
it could fit really any type of dog(not like a male and female)
personality wise!