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Question by  Joy91 (35)

How do I reset an AutoNumber field value in Access?


Answer by  Nelson39 (58)

Write down the name of the autonumber field then delete the field in the Design View. Create a new field with the same name. Declare the data type as autonumber.


Answer by  ahsanmahmoodawan (1169)

queries > create query in design view> show table> add> close select sort in query menu > make table query>table name>>ok query>run a dailog will appear now file>close>no>make table design>autonumber


Answer by  alsoftware (117)

That's very easy. Just modify the table structure and turn the field to a simple integer field with no increment. Try this: ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN INT


Answer by  hypercatbed (142)

Microsoft offers many easy to follow guides on their web site this link will direct you to exactly what you are looking for /kb/812718


Answer by  japratt (1687)

In order to reset this type of features you will need to do one particular thing. I would first delete the whole Access file then chose to reinstall the whole file.

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