car repairs


Question by  Ian92 (11)

How do I replace the front crankshaft seal on a Dodge 3.0L engine?


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Well you will need to drop the oil pan so you have to disassemble the front of the engine. Then the pan is unbolted and dropped making sure not to damage the gasket. Then the seal can be swapped in according to the directions and everything bolted back together.


Answer by  Jsands1982 (871)

This consist many parts involve. To replace requires you tear the front of the engine down. Removing the belt driven parts, then the mounts. once you cleared a path to the harmonic balance. Remove the the nut of harmonic balance and use a puller to pull it off. Once off you should be able to see the crankshaft seal.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You will need to take it in to have it fixed. The professional will know how to fix it. Or go to the store and get a manual for it.

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