how to


Question by  Latte (16)

How do I go about trimming a birch tree?

I have a nice big birch tree that needs trimming.


Answer by  mimsykey (16)

To trim a birch tree properly you should cut at an angle after a growth split. To prevent further growth cap branch with tar.


Answer by  agean09 (24)

You want to make sure that you cut at angle away from the trunk. Prune limbs that are diseased, small, or to allow more light passage.


Answer by  KDKall (21)

You must prune a birch tree during the fall when the tree is dormant. Remove any dead branches and debris. Bottom branches should be trimmed so lawn equipment can easily get underneath and to raise the living canopy. Angle your cutting device away from tree and make a clean cut.


Answer by  Carol24 (26)

An important factor to remember about Birch trees is their wide and shallow root system. Be aware that you must not trim the tree so that it is off balance or it may literally fall over. Trim most branches back to the ground or the trunk if possible to prevent multi-shooting upon regrowth.


Answer by  Shawn17 (14)

When trimming your birch tree make sure not to cut more than 25% of the live canopy because this can cause excessive light penetration to the root system, which in turn will reduce moisture levels


Answer by  gardenfairy (58)

It is best to prune when the tree is dormant and remove dead, diseased, or damaged branches first. Keep the top canopy intact and angle away from tree when cutting.

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