weight loss


Question by  cammieo (169)

How do I go about fasting for weight loss?


Answer by  Julia32 (17)

You should not fast for weight loss unless you are under a medically supervised fasting program. These programs are for people who have a BMI of 35 or higher. Your body actually doesn't like you to fast. It's better to eat several smaller and healthier meals than to not eat.


Answer by  wj (646)

Fasting to lose weight is not a good idea. If you don't eat enough, your body thinks you're starving it and your metabolism will slow, meaning that when you do eat your body will cling on to everything you feed it in case you starve it again. If you must, don't fast for longer than one day at a time.


Answer by  John (9008)

This does not work. Fasting forces your body into a starvation mode, and it actually holds onto fat more strongly than if you eat a healthy diet. Any weight lost from fasting will be either water or muscle, niether of which is healthy (or will result in lasting weight loss). A healthy diet, combined with exercise, is much more effective.


Answer by  fancbiz (952)

Start it by reducing the amount of food little y little and replace with some fruits like pineapple that make you feel full. This will help form a habit.

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