

Question by  kran32 (6)

How do I get a Jamaican visa?

I would like to travel to Jamaica.


Answer by  vinodvShetty (123)

To get jamaican visa you need to submit the required document to the near by Jamaican consulate. You can also submit the required document to the near by travel agent


Answer by  flamiss22 (5081)

You will need to visit a Jamaican Embassy and fill out the required paperwork. They will do a background check with your native country and make sure there are no legal issues that will prevent you from getting your visa. Usually though no visa is required to visit.


Answer by  patti (29325)

If you are a U. S. citizen and you have a current passport, you can travel to Jamaica on vacation. You do not need a visa for visits up to 180 days. Your passport needs to be valid at least 90 days after you leave Jamaica.

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