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Question by  SillyTeen (16)

How do I format text in an arc in Adobe Illustrator?


Answer by  HUNM25 (713)

Select the text tool on adobe and then type in the text that you want to arc and have it inserted. Simple as that.


Answer by  Hanav (5)

Select the Text tool from Tools menu. Write the text you want to arc. Before you arc it, you will need to adjust the font size and the necessary changes.


Answer by  gigo (1706)

You have to write the text on a path: Create a path, then click on it with the text tool, write the text and drag it with the dragging help at the beginning of the path.


Answer by  geethapriya (239)

The adobe illustrator have the text tool in the tool bar. Take the tool and select the suitable place for the test then draw it and type the text.

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