

Question by  timmy (9)

How do I create a password protected site for


Answer by  ahsanmahmoodawan (1169)

use this formula sub page_init(byval s as object, by val E as eventarg) if not sessnio ("binloggedin") = "1" then respoence.redirect("login.aspx") end sub hope this help your :) and use html otherwise it don't work


Answer by  worker2794 (25)

Follow these steps. Add a Login Page, Configuring Users and Access Rules, Add necessaryusers and create userroles if desired,access rules to know what content different users &/or roles are allowed.


Answer by  worker5398 (20)

my favorite approach is to pass the user's identity # after log-in. on log-in page context. items. add("UID", useridfromdb) where useridfromdb is the identity vale from the database then, on the page_load for each page i get the user's record # on pageload event: dim uid as string uid = context. items("UID") f uid = "" then server. transfer("~/notauthorized. aspx")


Answer by  uzpakalis (6)

1. You need some experence in html standart. 2. You need know ASP. 3. SQL database is optional and some experence in sql, you need too. 4. Web server you need too (apache, nginx, etc).


Answer by  Lakshmi65 (715)

We have to create a account in the website and set password protection in it, and the setting the password automatically it will get activated when we utilize in MS office.


Answer by  gigo (1706)

You just need an If statement to check the password. If the password is correct, you can do a redirect like Response.Write "


Answer by  japratt (1687)

If you are wanting to create a password for this program then you will need to login as administrator to access it.

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