

Question by  jr22 (59)

How do i change a .mov file to another type?


Answer by  mooman2679 (1018)

You will have to download a video converter. One of my favorites is "SUPER". It can do about anything you want it to, plus it's free. Do a quick search for it.


Answer by  Sabharish (1610)

. mov is a movie file and it can be converted to other movie file types using a suitable video converter. Video converter that can convert. mov file should be used to convert to other types.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Well to do this you will need a video converting program. Look online to see what other people suggest. Just make sure it converts to what format you want.


Answer by  shoukathalidreams (7)

Use any video converting softwares,which can be downloaded free of cost, that will help you to convert. mov file to any format you wish. Ex: Total Video Converter.


Answer by  BubbaGump87 (11)

You will need to download a video converter, such as Visualhub for the macintosh or Advanced Video Converter for XP -

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