Creeping Red Fescue grass does not need much care. It needs little to no fertilizer or supplementary water, and is drought resistant. A light top-dressing of compost is sufficient.
Apply a starter fertilizer when seeding. The grass should begin to sprout within 6-8 weeks.
Don not mow until a good cover is established. Clip them when mowing. Once full cover is established, the weeds can be mowed together with the grass.Mow it at 3/4 inches every week.
Lastly, it will also do fine with grazing cows. Hope this helps.
CReeping Red Fescue Grass is mostly a low maintenance grass, ideal for lawns that do not get too hot, or for shady areas. Just care for it like you would any other grass, just be sure to make high cuts.
Creeping Red Fescue grass is very hardy, they are drought, shade, cold tolerant but the thing that might damage them, like most grasses, is foot traffic.