

Question by  Siryippity (19)

How did British taxes change after the French and Indian War?


Answer by  NeverContango (35)

The war resulted in a doubling of British debt, £72,289,673 in 1755 to £129,586,789 by 1764. Under pressure from English elites, King argued that colonies should bear part of this burden (since colonial frontier was being defended), and attempted to tax them: the Currency Act of 1764, the Quartering Act of 1765, and the Stamp Act. Ultimately lead to Revolution.


Answer by  sonicfoundation (2597)

After the French and Indian War, the British increased their rate of taxation in the American Colonies to make up for the cost of the war. This caused tension which eventually lead to the Revolution.


Answer by  dooditschels (22)

In order for the British to recover from the debt the war caused, they heavily increased taxes on the colonies. Taxes were raised on things like tea, stamps, sugar and molasses.

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