health conditions


Question by  lonely1220 (9)

How common is it to have a hematoma after a c-section?

My sister had one.


Answer by  Christian9247 (5042)

A Hematoma is possible after any sort of surgery if proper rest and recuperation is not had. It is the accumulation of blood outside of the blood vessels. Where as it is not common after a C-section it is very possible. If proper rest is not had you may be in danger of one.


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

Given my limited experience as a medical student, I would say that a simple hematoma is a common and probably very minor complication that accompanies most surgeries, not just a c-section. Its impossible to have zero bleeding when you are cutting through blood vessels.


Answer by  Moma123 (1043)

Hematoma is the accumulation of blood outside the blood vessels as a result of hemorrhage or internal bleeding due to bruises. It is quite common in case of surgical procedures.


Answer by  angelac (23)

Not entirely uncommon, because a hematoma is just a collection of blood after a trauma, such as surgery, blunt force, etc. and your body will just reabsorb it without intervention.

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