health conditions


Question by  Heather75 (47)

How common are tumors of the tonsils and adenoids?


Answer by  elmertlim (14)

Since the tonsils and adenoids are part of the defenses of the human body against infection, it is more common for them to get infected as well. Tumors of these organs are much rarer.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

If you talk to ENT Doctor they are common. My husband had cancer of his tonsils. The symptoms swelling on the cheek, a blister that grew large. See a doctor.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Tumors of the tonsils and adenoids are fairly rare. In adults who still have both, tumors are the main reason of tonsil and adenoids removal.


Answer by  Amanda65 (1220)

These types of tumors are not the most common, but are not extremely rare. They are more common with people who smoke or use tobacco products.


Answer by  DebH2010 (291)

Tumors of the tonsils and adenoids are not particularly common, but they do occur. If you experience recurrent problems with swollen tonsils, your physician may recommend removing them as well as the adenoids though this is less popular than it once was as a common treatment.


Answer by  Anno (11)

It is more common for men, smokers, and heavy drinkers to develop tonsil tumors than women, nonsmokers and light drinkers.

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