pet health


Question by  deepak (29)

How can you tell if a rabbit is overheated?


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Typically, when overheated, a rabbit will be lethargic, many not have energy, their urine will be yellow/orange and less in quantity, and some will even 'pant' or hold their mouths open. A healthy rabbit will be active, and drink/eat and bowel regularly. Never leave in direct sunlight or without water.


Answer by  Pam84 (330)

They will lie as flat as possible. They tend to pant rapidly. They are not active. They don't play or move around as normal. If the animals body temperature raises above 102 degress it is unlikely he/she will recover. Heat is a serious danger to rabbits!


Answer by  slarp (52)

An overheated rabbit will often exhibit various characteristics. Some of these are easy to notice while others are more difficult. More easily recognized overheating characteristics include not being very active, trying to tear out all hair, and moving to one side of a cage without moving for extended periods of time.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

His eyes will probably start to look dull and droopy. He probably won't be moving around much. Keep your rabbit out of direct sun and give him lots of water.


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

The best way to tell if your rabbit is overheated is to take its temperature. Normal temperatures are 100-103 degrees. Panting and lethargy are signs. Seizures are life-threatening signs.

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