

Question by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Can rabbits get human illnesses?

And can humans get sick from rabbits?


Answer by  Anonymous

Rabbits can suffer from snuffles, caused by the pasturella bacteria, which can also be the bacteria that causes human colds. And human-to-animal or vice versa diseases are possible in other cases, too.


Answer by  Anonymous

Not all, rabbits cannot get the common cold or the flu, etc. However, they are affected by certain viruses especially scabies or ringworm (skin related). Still, it's smarter to play safe. Don't touch your rabbit when you're sick. Ask your vet whenever you're in doubt!


Answer by  bb0603 (208)

no, rabbits nor humans can get a sickness from one other. Sickness can not be passed from animals to human or from human to animal. Animals and humans have different imune systems which block sickness from animals.


Answer by  jackie (276)

Certainly, rabbits can acquire some -- not all -- human illnesses. In fact, rabbits were used to as test subjects when the polio vaccine was developed. And humans can certainly get sick from rabbits -- the animals can carry various kinds of viruses that can cross over to their human handlers, especially through open cuts or sores.


Answer by  sabeenaIbrahim (41)

There is no chance to get human illness. Because God creation is very amazing. Human beings and thier habits illness is totally different from rabits.


Answer by  Anonymous

my mom said that I can get a rabbit

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