

Question by  DiggityDoo (100)

How can you help people who feel sorry for themselves?


Answer by  cafish (2035)

Try to change the subject when they begin to complain. Perhaps that person is just bored. Try to interest them in hobbies or charity work. But if you think that person is suffering from depression, suggest counseling. Sometimes a talk with a professional would be helpful. If this person is a friend, don't abandon him or her.


Answer by  MeKo (12)

The best way to help people who feel sorry for themselves is to be supportive. You can point out positive things in the person's life. You can also give help in overcoming difficulties that the person feels sorry about. Just being a friend, listening, and doing fun things can help.


Answer by  Doris59 (1647)

Generally people who feel sorry for themselves probably don't have a spirit of gratitude for what they do have. It is easy to look around and think that everyone else has this or that, or this event or that didn't happen to this or that person. They also display an attitude of being a victim instead of an empowered person.


Answer by  MelvinVanhorn (826)

You can try and put things in perspective. Make them realize the only person who can really change their life is themselves.

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