
 crime  money  taxes


Question by  scarver123 (15)

How can I turn someone in for making money under the table?


Answer by  Zaka (2315)

First, make absolutely sure they are making money illicitly. Then discern when they conduct themselves in an incriminatory manner and take note of the time and context in which it occurs to catalog a series of habits. Once you have compiled this information simply submit it to the appropriate authorities for them to act on your compiled information.


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

If you're sure you want to do this, and if you are sure of your facts, contact the Internal Revenue Service. You need to have details but I think you can do it anonymously. The IRS will take the information and will do their own investigation, especially if you're talking about a substantial amount of money.


Answer by  John (9008)

The agency that would be most interested in undocumented income would be the internal revenue service. You can find their contact information on the internet or phone book. You should be ready to provide as many details as possible. Be prepared, however, that they will take your information and investigate, but you will not be told the results.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Call the IRS tip line and report their tax evasion. This can be done anonymously or with proof, such as pictures. If they are found guilty, you get a whistle blower reward. The rewards for turning in businesses are higher than for turning in individuals. Do be careful that you are not guilty as well if you choose to report.

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