

Question by  sadie (2)

How can I troubleshoot a Durabrand portable dvd player?


Answer by  BBBrian (282)

Depending on the problem, it may be a dirty DVD.If you're not getting any video try to plug the cables into different slots on the tv. If you're not getting any sound make sure you have both the red cable and the white cable plugged into the right slots.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Check to see if all the wires are connected properly to the dvd player. Also you have to see if the wires are in right in the time t.v. slots.


Answer by  gary23 (130)

Perhaps this is not the best answer. but here we go: To me, Durabrand is a generic brand, so you are better off getting a new one. SONY it is.


Answer by  mansi (521)

Plug in player. Make sure it is receiving power. If machine is getting power from outlet try out buttons on box to make sure drawer for the disc opens up.

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