

Question by  VivekKumar (29)

How can I safely eliminate moths in my pantry?


Answer by  allymcbeal (29)

Clean the pantry, toss the old stuff. Then put your cereals, etc in clear plastic containers. Put a large plastic bag around that bag of flour, too. This will prevent the moths from coming back. You can also use plastic containers that are easily washed after use. Also close the lid of the containers after each use.


Answer by  Olive (1195)

Clean the pantry, toss the old stuff. Then put your cereals, etc in clear plastic containers. Put a large plastic bag around that bag of flour, too. This will prevent the moths from coming back.


Answer by  Rathi (108)

Use plastic containers that are easily washed after use. Also close the lid of the containers after each use. The moths breed more easily in a warm environment especially cereal based moths. So make sure that the pantry environment is not so warm. You can also use pest lights that attracts and kills the moths during nights.

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