

Question by  rfd (19)

How can I recognize kennel cough?


Answer by  mlahlou324 (29)

You can recognize kennel cough if your dog has a couple of these symptoms such as deep, hacking coughs. Other symptoms can be runny nose, coughing that causes the dog to gag, lack of energy, trouble sleeping, and lack of appetite.


Answer by  localgirl808 (405)

Dogs with kennel cough develop a dry, hacking cough which may result in vomiting. The cough is often accompanied by watery nasal discharge. Severe cases may also cause fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, and pneumonia. Symptoms in humans are similar but usually less severe.


Answer by  Bonnie (89)

Kennel cough sounds awful, but is not a serious condition. It is an extremely harsh coughing sound followed by gagging or retching that may, at times, produce a yellowish or clear vomitus.


Answer by  Teresa32 (314)

Some of the symptoms of kennel cough are a dry cough that doesn't go away. Also some dogs will sneeze alot as well. See your vet right away.

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