

Question by  kolohegirl68 (22)

How can I quit smoking while trying to conceive?


Answer by  boonieyates (39)

You can begin with trying techniques to see if you smoke due to an oral fixation. Such as eating a jolly rancher or chewing gum for a while everytime you feel the urge to smoke. If this doesn't help then perhaps try nicotine containing patches or gum.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Will power is the fore most key. Your baby could suffer defects think of the bad side of smoking, what it does to your body. Your smoking, you get pregnant, do not find out till 6-8 weeks the damage is done to your baby.


Answer by  Fallon1121 (40)

Quitting smoking is always easier if you yourself are determined and decide that you are ready. It would probably be best to quit smoking before you attempt to get pregnant. It makes it easier and less stressful because it will probably be a trial and error period.


Answer by  JimSmith (137)

I think the easiest way is just straight up cold turkey. Lots of people have difficulty doing this though. Some people try chewing gum or finding a snack like nuts or raisins to eat.


Answer by  aiibis (175)

Make it inconvenient to smoke, hide them,don't buy them when you know you're out, Pick up another habit, tic-tacs and gum are great.also try the new electric smoke free systems.


Answer by  suesea (27)

My friend got hypnotized to quit smoking and hasn't started again. It's been ten years!


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Make it inconvenient to smoke, hide them, don't buy them when you know you're out(so you have to go to town when you want one), only smoke out side in the sun/rain. Pick up another habit, tic-tacs and gum are great. Good luck!

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