health conditions


Question by  Paul6722 (21)

How can I prevent shingles from recurring?


Answer by  worker7654 (1033)

There is nothing that can prevent that since the virus lives in your nerves and can be re-activated at any time.


Answer by  rjs108 (310)

Shingles are a virus that lies dormant in people nervous systems and can be very painful when they occur. They usually present themselves as painful blisters To prevent new outbreaks, people should consider getting a shingles vaccine. It is called Zostavax. People who have shingles should avoid people who have chickenpox.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

Shingles can come back. This normally happens when your immune system is low. You immune system may be low if you are sick or have been under a lot of stress. Keep you immune system healthy by eating a well balanced diet, exercise daily, try and avoid stress and get plenty of rest.


Answer by  worker9487 (8)

Shingles is a disease caused by reactivation of the herpes zoster virus it results in a painful localized skin rash, usually with blisters on top of the reddish skin. This same virus causes the childhood illness chickenpox, the virus affect in the nerve roots near the spinal cord or base of the facial nerves, so people beware of the disease.

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