- Short Answers


Question by  Marcinj (39)

How can I make a homemade water xylophone?


Answer by  H2SO4aq (21)

To build a water xylophone you fill different glass bottles with water and tap them with a pen.To tune it you add or remove water to or from the bottles.


Answer by  sc1234 (1319)

Take several glasses that are the same size and dimensions (between 5 and 10 would be best) and fill them with water in descending amounts. From here, you can tap the edge of the glasses to produce different notes. I would tap the glasses with a pencil or chop stick - nothing too heavy!


Answer by  Spock (261)

Get several identical drinking glasses. Fill the glasses with water to varying levels, each a little higher than the last. You can tune then by adding or removing some water.


Answer by  Jenny25 (939)

Well the best way to make it is to gather some glass bottles together. Make sure you fill them up a little bit with some liquid. Then use some pencils to tap on them.

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