

Question by  abell (13)

How can I keep my albino oscar cichlid healthy?


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

These fish are aggressive. Feed your oscar fresh meat including worms, cut up beef heart, or smaller fish. Include rocks and plants in their homes as they love "rearranging" it all. Artificial plants are undoubtedly the best choice. They love attention and can get an attitude if they feel slighted!


Answer by  kirbyd (117)

simply feed the oscar alot. Oscars love to eat and move and if you feed it and allow it to have its space it will grow alot!


Answer by  jennum86 (16)

You can make sure it receives the correct nutrition by feeding it such things as: beef heart, crickets, crayfish, both mealworms and earthworms, moths, grasshoppers, peas, spinach, shrimp, scallops, krill, and ghost shrimp. As for filtration, you should have all three types including: mechanical, biological, and chemical. Most filters have compartments to use all of these forms.


Answer by  ladybud (1069)

change 25% of the tank's water every week or two.Also a good diet of frozen cichlid food's such as meat cube's and blood worm's.

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