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Question by  Momof3 (1)

How can I help my 7 y.o. sensitive son who is struggling with frustration at mean classmates?


Answer by  MsMadison (86)

Try to set up a conference with the teacher and create a list of solutions together to help alleviate problem. Conflict resolution within the classroom environment may be necessary. Also, the teacher may benefit from implementing lessons on friendship.


Answer by  OceanTiara (158)

This is a common activity in children. Teach your son to concentrate on walking away if possible. Teach the art of letting it run off his back like water. Fighting is not an option, for often the child that is being ostacized gets the punishment. Start teaching early.


Answer by  Hassan (68)

You can tell your son that its the part of his training that he have to manage with them if somebody is mean so try to depend on your own shoulders and do your own work yourself and take help to teachers. He must try to understand his class mates

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