

Question by  dutchll (6)

How can I help my 7 year old make friends?


Answer by  onecrore (196)

I think signing her up for group activities is the best way to go. This way, the _activity_ is the center of focus, and then friendships develop from there. Just putting a shy child amongst other children usually isn't enough.


Answer by  MamaofFour (20)

A child that age may be shy, or may be having problems at school. Talk to your child's teacher. Invite your child's more friendly classmates over to the house, one at a time. Sometimes a more outgoing child will draw out a more shy child. Try non-competitive group activities, like those at The Little Gym.


Answer by  BarbaraG (27)

You can sign up your child to participate in team sports. He/she will be part of a team and will easily become part of the group. If he/she is shy, the other team members will, no doubt, include your child in the activities. Team sports help children form strong bonds and a sense of belonging.


Answer by  liblue (683)

I have a nephew who is this age and he is shy and sensitive. He struggles in some ways but his parents value who he is and build from there.

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