how to


Question by  caringguy (40)

How can I go about exterminating ticks in the house?


Answer by  Luminati81 (95)

Exterminating ticks in the home can be tricky but it all depends on how far you are willing to go? Most bug bombs will take care of the ticks if you wish to be extreme. There are also a number of Tick powders that can be spread around the home.


Answer by  scott63 (140)

Most bug bombs will exterminate ticks. After you use the bug bomb, be sure to use Raid and spray it liberally around all openings to the outdoors.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well if you want to examine ticks, look for some soot around the house. Then also spray some raid in those areas.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

First off you will want to plan to be away for a couple of days. Make sure all the windows are closed and cover all your furniture and anything else thats important. Before you leave set off bug bombs in your house. Once yoiu return wash counter very good.


Answer by  tormentink (14)

Go to a Petsmart. There is a pet/human friendly spray that will kill just about every bug. Ask them and they will know exactly what you are talking about.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

You will need to use an insecticide throughtout the house. Spray all over furniture including underneath cushions on chairs and couches, baseboards, carpets, and closets. Keep your outside lawn mowed and yard clean, too. Ticks can lay huge numbers of eggs on pets, too, so don't forget the pet treatments!


Answer by  ladybud (1069)

Plan a small get away to local park or store close your home up tight and release flea&tick gas canister's sold at most store's world wide.


Answer by  fancbiz (952)

Ticks are easily terminated by spraying with insecticide.They do not stand the poison as long as every part they occupy is well doused to ensure contact with the chemical used.


Answer by  thomas (35)

You should use a bug bomb to eterminate ticks, be sure to put away all food and dishes before using a bug bomb.


Answer by  Nic (99)

Bomb the house with a over the counter bug bomb. Wash all clothing & sheets. Take all plants outside and spray them. Take out all food, too.


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

Hoover and spray carpets and furniture with flea and tick killer. Use a flea control on pets as they bring ticks in to the home before the summer starts.


Answer by  Anonymous

Yeah!!! ^^^ What he said!!!


Answer by  Anonymous

Fuck ticks in the neck muh fucka!!!

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