how to


Question by  JoeinNJ (17)

How can I get scratches off of gamecube disks?


Answer by  Marsha (2337)

I have heard rubbing a small amount of toothpaste on scratches works to get scratches off disks. Just make sure the toothpaste is a gel and doesn't have any crystals that may cause more scratches.


Answer by  bazjack (51)

For severe scratches, not much can be done. However, if the disc is moderately scratched, try rubbing it with a medium-firm toothbrush around the scratch area. This can have the effect of making the scratch contrast less with the rest of the disc and may make it playable again.


Answer by  DanielleK (535)

Many locally owned gaming stores will have a disc buffer that will clean and polish your games to look like new and may even be able to restore their ability to play.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

The best bet is to take it to a game store where they can professionally clean the disk. You can also try rubbing alcohol just to remove dust and debris.

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